
this is a page where you can ask everyting of the most important medieval army of Catalonia: the ALMOGÀVERS

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Hi everybody!!!!!!
The play that I saw yesterday was very good. The company called "Qui porta la turja a menar" is a comedy,We will know of a breeder of the authentic "Catalan pig", who neither pays and who don't want to lose the one that he has. A landlady who does not charge and wants to achieve the one that she does not have. A postman who does not work and sons he thinks like not still being making prayer. Also and in an exaggerated way, this silly thing is useful for denouncing some facts of estate exploitation, which have affected the Catalan peasantry.
The play was represented in Vilamalla, a little town nearly Figueres. I recomended see this play because you laugh a lot and explanis the real life of the catalan farmers.


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